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Every year CISCE (Council for Indian School Certificate Examination) conducts three types of examinations under its supervision, Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) for Class X, Indian School Certificate (ISC) for Class XII, and Certificate in Vocational Education (CVE – YEAR 12). These exams are generally held in the month of February or March only in CISCE affiliated schools. The ISC class 12th is a board equivalent exam which is also the gateway to enter for higher studies.
The exam plays a major role to get shortlisted for your desired colleges also ISC students are considered as well-skilled, communicative and participating as compared to CBSE or other state board which give them an advantage of preference in admission by universities and colleges, that’s why it becomes an important exam from both qualifying and for higher studies also.
So, if you are an ISC class 12th student who is preparing for this exam, then you should have a proper idea of the subjects, syllabus, and exam pattern of the exam. Therefore, in order to fulfill the requirement of students we have prepared a complete set of information which will show you an exact road map of preparation for facing the exam. So you are requested to read the article carefully.
ISC Syllabus For Class 12th 2021 PDF Download

CISCE had declared the syllabus for ISC 2019, consisting of a broad and variety of subjects. ISC offers three streams of learning i.e. Science, Commerce, and Art. Further, each stream comes with different choices of subjects including compulsory and elective subjects. Compulsory subjects are common to all stream, on the other hand, a candidate can choose the subject of their interest from the group of elective subjects.
ISC class 11th and ISC class 12th consist of the same subjects. You have to enter class 12th with the same subjects that you have already studied in the previous class. This means you cannot change or choose any new subject after you have done registration in class11th. So, here in class 11th, you are required to be careful in selecting the subjects, therefore, you are suggested to go with the subjects of your reach. Opting right subjects will benefit you to score good marks in the exam too.
It should be noted that all the candidates are required to enroll for the ISC class 12th exam with not more than six subjects including compulsory subject English. There are certain subjects which include practical paper, any candidate applying for such subject will have to go through practical examination also otherwise the paper will be considered as incomplete.
Download ISC Class 12th Syllabus PDF 2021 Subject Wise
According to the latest information about the council, ISC includes a total of 31 subjects which are divided into the category of compulsory and elective subjects. There is only one subject in the list of compulsory subjects that is English.
The CISCE board adopts the English pattern of learning that’s why English subject remains compulsory and common to all ISC students. Whereas, the list of Elective subjects contains a total of 30 subjects, out of which you have to hold with three, four, or five subjects. Now, the complete list of ISC subjects and syllabus in PDF format file is given below:
Computer Science
Political Science
Home Science

An Indian Language
A Modern Foreign Language
A Classical Language
Elective English
Fashion Designing
Electricity & Electronics
Engineering Science
Geometrical & Mechanical Drawing
Geometrical & Building Drawing
Music (Indian or Western)
Physical Education
Environmental Science
Mass Media & Communication
Hospitality Management
ISC Class 12th Subjects Stream Wise
As discussed above ISC includes Science, Commerce, and Arts stream and each stream consist of different subjects. Now let’s discuss all streams and their subjects in detail.
ISC Science Stream:
ISC Science stream includes all those important subjects which are important to build a strong base for making a career in the field of Science and technology like Engineering, Medical, Technical services of defense, etc.
ISC Commerce Stream:
Commerce stream opens a lot of Interesting careers after class 12th which includes important fields like Chartered Accountant, Corporate, Banking, Insurance, Finance sectors and many more. That’s why ISC commerce stream provides those subjects which will help candidates to make a career in the above-mentioned fields. ISC commerce stream consists of the following important subjects:

ISC Humanities or Arts Stream:
Art stream includes of a wide range of learning and information which deals with the study of historical facts and incidences, cultural and traditional values, matter of political and social interest, topics of national and international geographical condition, etc. Candidates Interested in any of such matters can also avail for various career options after class 12th. The Important subjects under ISC art stream are mention below:
ISC Class 12th Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Science Stream
- Physics & Chemistry
There will be the same exam pattern for both Physics and Chemistry. Each subject includes of two papers, paper I and paper II.
Paper I: It is a theory based paper consist of 70 marks for the 3-hour duration. There is given no overall choice of questions so you have to attempt all the questions, however, there will be provided an internal choice of 2 questions of 2 marks each, 2 questions of 3 marks each and all the 3 questions of 5 marks each.
Paper I: It is Practical based paper consist of 15 marks out of which there is a project work of 10 marks and a practical file of 5 marks.
- Mathematics Paper
Mathematics paper includes 100 marks for a duration of three hours. The paper is classified into three sections of A, B, and C. Section A consists of compulsory questions however there will be the option of attempting questions from either Section B or Section C.
Section A: Will consist of 80 marks with including compulsory questions however there will be an internal choice in three questions of four marks each and also two questions of six marks each.
Section B/Section C: There is a choice for attempting either section B or Section C. There will be provided an internal choice in two questions of four marks each.
Commerce Stream
- Commerce and Business Studies
The exam pattern for Commerce and Business Studies subject will be similar. Each subject will include two papers, Paper I (Theory-based) and paper II (Practical-based).
Paper I: Will include 80 marks for the duration of 3 hours and is further divided into two parts, part I and part II. Part I will cover 20 marks including compulsory short answer type questions designed to test the knowledge, application, and skill of elementary concept of the whole syllabus. Whereas Part II includes eight questions each carrying 12 marks and out of these you have to answer any five questions.
Paper-II: It is based on project work candidates have to submit two projects each carrying 10 marks and the topic will be from the theory syllabus. The project work will be held under the supervision of the subject teacher and a visiting Examiner appointed by the council.
- Accounts
Account paper includes two papers, Paper 1 is a theory-based paper & Paper 2 is a practical based paper.
Paper I: Will consist of 80 marks for the duration of 3 hours. Paper 1 is further divided into three sections, A, B, and C.
Section A: Will cover 60 marks comprised of two parts, Part I and Part II. Both parts contain eight questions.
Part I: Includes 12 marks of section A including one compulsory short answer type question designed to examine the knowledge, application, and skills of fundamental characteristics of the whole syllabus. The question belongs to section A.
Part II:This part will cover 48 marks of section A including seven questions of 12 marks each out of which you have to attempt any four questions.
Section B/ Section C:
These are optional Sections which means you must have to attempt any one section from both the section. You have to answer any two questions out of three questions each of 10 marks from the section of your choice.
Paper-II: It is based on project work candidates have to submit two projects each carrying 10 marks and the topic will be from the theory syllabus. The project work will be held under the supervision of the subject teacher and a visiting Examiner appointed by the council.
Humanities or Arts

- History Paper
Vatsal Isc Handbook Of Physics Pdf Book
History paper consists of two papers, Paper I (Theory-based) & Paper-II (Practical based)
Paper I: The paper carries 80 marks for the duration of 3 hours and is further divided into two parts.
Part I: Will consist of 20 marks including compulsory short answer type questions designed to test fundamental factual learning and understanding of the whole syllabus.
Part II: The paper will be distributed into two sections, A and B and each section includes five questions of 12 marks each. You have to answer any two questions from each section and there is a choice of attempting one question from either section A or section B. Overall a total of five questions must be attempted from Part II.
Paper-II: The Paper consists of 20 marks and Includes submission of on project that may be based on the following topics:
- A case study
- A Field visit/investigation
- A local history
- Interview/oral evidence
- Book review/ film review/ poster/ newspapers/ advertisements/ cartoon and arts.
- Political Science Paper
The paper for political science will be classified into two papers, Paper I (Theory-based) and Paper-II (Project Work).
Paper I: It holds 80 marks with a maximum time period of three hours. The paper will be divided into two parts, Part I and Part II.
Part I: The part will cover 20 marks of paper I, comprising of compulsory short answer type questions to analyze the knowledge, application, and skills regarding the basic concepts of the whole syllabus.
Part II: The Part will cover 60 marks of paper I and is divided into two sections, A and B. You are needed to attempt any three questions out of a total of five questions from section A and two questions out of three questions from section B. Each question of part II will consist of 12 marks.
Paper-II: It is a project-based paper consisting of 20 marks. A candidate has to perform one project which will be based on the following topics.
- A case study
- Survey study with a questionnaire
- Research-based on in-depth analysis.
- Local/national/global political issue
- Book review/ film review/ documentaries/poster/newspaper/ advertisements/ cartoons and art.
- Economics paper
Economics paper will comprise of two papers, Paper I (Theory-based) and Paper-II (Project work).
Paper I: It will hold 80 marks with a maximum time limit of three hours. The paper is further divided into two parts, part I and Part II.
Part I: The part will cover 20 marks of paper I, including compulsory short answer type questions testing the knowledge, application, and skills regarding the basic concepts of the whole syllabus.
Part II: It will be 60 marks paper comprising of eight questions each of 12 marks and only five questions is needed to attempt.
Paper-II: It is based on project work candidates have to submit two projects each carrying 10 marks and the topic will be from the theory syllabus. The project work will be held under the supervision of the subject teacher and a visiting Examiner appointed by the council.
ISC Important Rules & Regulations 2021.
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- The passing Marks for each subject is 40%.
- Candidates are required to score a minimum of 40% marks in at least four subjects including English as a compulsory subject in class 11th for promotion to class 12th.
- The attendance should not be less than 75% throughout the whole academic year.
- Candidates are not allowed to enter with more than six subjects including English subject.
- The council holds the power to alter, cancel results or certificates, etc. on being a candidate’s violating rules and regulation and holds the right to take strict action against him/her.